
Showing posts from January, 2017

Burning Image; a Retrospective.

Deathrock Has a strange but wonderful place in music history. On the surface it is a branch of punk that went in the opposite direction as hardcore but it should be understood they are more then kissing cousins. Deathrock is one of the early goth movements but much more tied to the tradition of feedback and aggression then the cure or joy division. I have over the last few months become fairly infatuated with several bands that were part of or satellites to the scene. So I though I should try to give a impression of what I feel are the distinguishing characteristics that separate it from horror punk. The most obvious difference is the speed most Deathrock bands sound like David Bowie mixed with flipper. where as horror punk sounds more like fifties rock mixed with black flag. The shocking thing about Deathrock was that someone might eat a dead cat on stage while looking like a glam rock version of a serial killer. While the scary part of  horror punk show would be the fact you might

Naked Raygun; because fuck you that's why!

   The brutal nature of life is acceptable as long as we have the illusion of strength that is held by all citizens. The illusion is why I post a blog even though I keep forgetting the difference between there and their. Or that my blogs tend to lack a focus of any kind in all honesty. Just the ramblings of a paranoid-schizophrenic who loves rock n' roll and is grateful for his medicine and the time he has had to listen too some truly great bands. Even if I am self educated and can't construct a proper paragraph, do not let that get in the way of my honest and faithful love of Naked Raygun. My favorite of the traditional post-hardcore bands and possibly the greatest band from Chicago. The albums Throb Throb and Jettison are among my favorite records of all time. Both are melodic with a undeniable physical power from the driving psychosis of the great guitarist John Haggerty and the ridiculously powerful vocals of Jeff Pezzati. These two forces make for some of the most viscer

Is Rob Zombie a Prophet?

There is a clarity and a wonderful feeling when you know you have absolutely failed and that all that is left is the process of digesting the judgment of others. How fascinating as a society we don't celebrate failure in the empty way that only the dead inside can understand. We are creepers and fuck-boys but in the end of the day we have nothing to lose. And we are out there jealous and dangerous to the very thing we desire. Its the moment when you have the courage to say "I'm fucking crazy but I love you!" call the cops or ask deadpool for a favor cause cause at the end of the day liberation is failure. If you survive and suffer then you become a grotesque parody of humanity like baby you make people watch you theater but in the end the show is madness and the sound track is super beast or and the from the love of  thunder kiss 65 the greatest metal song ever made. But what about Mr zombie honestly i don't know that much about the guy other then his family wer

we can do it.

Even if we are left with nothing but the hope that one day things will work out. We all have to understand that when people want you dead you ether kill them or die. Sometimes the evil we have to confront is self destruction when that happens you better be a survivor. Those three awkward sentences were all I had to say, so...the following rambling is sorta of the bonus round. We are a generation that is devolving into a meme posting thoughtless herd of mindless conformers who all try to seem as if they are the fictional characters who they post as there status. You think social or foreign policy can be surmised by a meme? Well that is the down side of this magical technology. People now have the ability to share there opinion but would rather click the share button for capitalistic propaganda. The only way to confront this is to evolve faster then out enemies and create a new anti-propaganda aimed at educating through viral-contamination. The hope of every life is to give life. The h

Suicide or old-age?

I stepped on a bed bug, there is a blood stain where my shoe ounce was. Obviously it had been feeding. So I have spent most of the last two weeks poison proofing my valuables and getting ready for the exterminators to come. I was going to kill myself before my birthday next month. I have even tried within the last six months to keep a vow I had made to myself, that talent/fame or none I was going to join the twenty seven club. But I don't know any more I have been talking to my therapist and my case-worker about the subject and they have persuaded me that this makes little since. so instead I have been making resolutions to better my life such as eating healthy and possibly investing in a weight bench. I don't know this like the last one isn't much of a blog, more just thinking out-loud. But if I have a point to make, it's that none of this matters. A man set himself on fire in protest of the Donald becoming president and someone I know re-posted the story and the c

Does metal have integrity or does it just not accommodate irony?

So here we are again but I will keep it short this time. Basically does metal have any more integrity then Miley Cyrus or does it just not accommodate irony? this is not a serious question more just something I'm typing cause I can't sleep.I don't consider myself a metal head so much as a punk rocker. However i do enjoy the symmetrical groove of metal riffs. Though most of my favorites are slipknot and mayhem you know poser stuff. I've noticed though that true metal heads rely on things like a pack mentality with there local scene. It seems stronger with metal cause these guys just don't see how funny they are outside of the context of there (This song is so dark people will want to kill themselves from it's power...) shtick. Maybe this is why the kids hated brutal legend they just couldn't get how funny they are...if strangely noble. Huh honestly I don't know what I'm trying to say for ounce, other then I am trying to add a little humor with my do

Yes I had a nap.

When I was a kid I did not get irony. Robert Christgau said "irony is the defense of everything and the justification of nothing." and I would add "irony is justified by having something to defend against". What do we mean when we are being ironic? That were digging in on something that's less obvious? ...Yes I think this explanation will serve my purpose.... But more then that it's a way to engage in mindless self indulgences, and still keep out intellectual identity by claiming irony as a buffer. The gorillaz is an elaborate conceptional wall of irony designed to allow us to engage in genre mashups that have pieces that are expropriated so far from there  source that they seem absurd. But the humor of the irony let's indulge in this equivalent of a Hardy's burger all the while knowing were thinking of McDonalds. So if your a loser like me (and I know you are) then the question is why can't we just eat our Mccdonalds? The answer is simple we

Trading lighters for cigarettes.

So I can't sleep and I've been listening jack-u's debut on repeat. I have had a long day, I have traded lighters for cigarettes. People are being ass-holes or I'm being sensitive. All I want to do is record music but I'm so tired that I think it's best if I wait till tomorrow. I have bugged all my friends to listen to my music till the point where I think it would be polite of them to tell me too fuck off. But worst of all I keep sending my website address to famous artist and producers in the hope they will see some potential in the stuff I really just kind of churn out to kill time. But here comes the point...when you are attached you are at a disadvantage with your art. You have to embrace failure as a comrade. To paraphrase Alejandro Jodorosky when a opportunity knocks on your door you say "yes". When it kick's your ass you say "yes" and get back up. So let's do this together "yes! we are going to be rock-gods!" and &


It's that time again kids it's time to be inspired even if you hate me. Because to day we are going to talk about the relationship of the creator to the created. First and foremost the desire to communicate is the foundation of every creative act. Your ether communicating to yourself or someone else and the meaning of any communication is the reaction that it brings. And if you do stuff with focus long enough then you will gain awareness and possibly some efficiency to what you are trying to express. So first and foremost pay attention so even if you fuck up then your still communicating then you will at least be communicating to yourself and hopefully listening so the next talk you express yourself you will know if what your trying to say needs to be expressed. Part 2: Almost everything thing that has a genre is a form of pop art be it grimes or mayhem. The important thing to understand is that every thing you express is a frame and this frame gives you a context. An

your not gangster like me.

So the new e.p. came out of the desire to mix industrial music with k-rap. i don't know if it's any good tell me what you guys think. but as it goes i think it was the most commercial and most experimental music i have ever made. but i am getting burned out on people telling me that what i do is good but that they can't listen to it in the car. in a strange way i make music to try to bring a little art into the soundtrack of the soccer  mom driving a mini van so we don't make fun of them and they can just listen to sweet tunes. as i write this i came up with the next songs title it shall be: sounds of vanilla ass-shaking.

Zak Sabbath: The sane man of wonderland.

   I have seen the face of cool and yes it does smile. But only when confronted with the irony that it may not have the answer to every question it claimed an answer too. He laughs without a GM screen knowing that the dice favor the bold and the bold aren't always a PC. This is the sane man of wonderland. He fuck's to end starvation. He creates to kill time and he writes about it just to let you know how much fun he is having. If David Bowie had a since of fashion he might be able to hang with Zak Smith and his crew, but as it stands he would just be a fan like the rest of us.    On his throne somewhere in LA with Mandy Morbid and his other girls. They are in a life long struggle of there prolonged confrontation with banality, they have been kicking the shit out of it for at least a decade and so banality contacted me to right a blog in it's defense. But in all honesty I have been a long time fan of Mr Sabbath and I hope him and his girls leave banality choking on the

Is it O.K. to fall in love with another man's pump and dump?

This is the anti-intellectual age of the male. This is the logical conclusion of self preservation.  This is acknowledging the inner enemy in every one of your friends.  The cold truth that a lack of respect and the force feeding of your bullshit to your enemies is the only way to be successful at life. There is not much to say on this subject because propaganda through memes have replaced insight. Universal messages as nuanced as a stone being thrown at your life, if only to shatter your pride and your trophies. On the one hand you have the women you love and she just so happens to suck someone Else's dick, and she thinks she is giving you a courtesy when she sits on yours. But that's the point when society makes you into a replaceable commodity then why should you care anymore for that piece of ass that suck's more dick for the management of her office, then she does at home for her mate? "She is the mother of my children!" you say but does it really matter,