
Showing posts from August, 2016

cheap wine.

so I have spent most of the last few days watching cartoons like adventure time and gravity falls and listening to folk blues such as Charlie parr and blind Willie Mctell. And loving that sweet spot of understanding you cant turn life into a photograph and that death is change and you cant change death. I find myself ether alone or with some old lady who is trying to share her cheap wine with me. And yes I know we know better lord, and none of ever meant to do no harm. I am so tired and just want to sail away "all the friends I ever had are gone...." I look her I the eyes and tell her we don't need friends that we have memories and life and could not ask for much more. "i just don't want to go home...." in my drunken logic I tell her your home is in your heart and that they will bury with that. starts to sing cheap wine again. "I'm better then all of this, you can go to hell, I'm better then this and i make my own way." she g