
Showing posts from November, 2013

T.V causlity or these images with the havoc of the stray dog

"Who can make the muddy water clear?  Let it be still, and it will gradually become clear." "I do not know whose son it is.  It might appear to have been before God." - the tao te' ching Boredom is both the father of greatness and devilish cartoon vilanny, bordom is the state man flow in and out of all there lives, yup, there is a vast ocean of bordom and only rarely do we find a island a sactuary from the strung out bordome that haunts and stalks in a peristent desire to drive to the void our exsistance crawled out of to prematurely return us to the void that again swallows all things. palm tree's and cocunuts, in a lawn chair staring out at that inevitble bordome, saying "haha you sumbitch you thought you had me, but only the boring are bored, and this here sanctity will not be tarneshed by you." but a state of being unboring is some form of nirvana, enlightenment us normal mortals envy on our islands staring off into to the dark clouds reflec