
Showing posts from April, 2014

The sock monkey as alone or, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

What is spirituality? Being spiritual is the pursuit of what is sacred. What’s sacred is what’s holy. What’s holy is what sanctified what s sanctified is what matters to god. Let me start this off by saying you can’t expect me to speak for god. All I know is what I have learned through trial and error to understand my place in the little corner of my universe I call my home. Were only going to use my personal experience because it’s practical. Your not writing this I am. I’ve known success and I have known failure but when we go to sleep at night that’s enough so why should death be any different emptiness is form, form is substance and freewill tells us what we are made of. We are all guilty before gods holy law. No matter what we do our works can’t save us. It only through grace that we are saved. So why should we try to keep the law? Because we have nothing better to do, Or because the commandments are the only guideline we have to what the skillful behavior of this life is. Zen has