death lesson 18

“In my life so far, I have discovered that there are really only two kinds of people: those who are for you, and those who are against you." - Lemmy Kilmister.

Talking heads - once in a lifetime, was playing. The old house, offensive boards and chipping paint. Windows open a small ghost was dancing (he seems to like doing that.) Jumping back and forth on the ground in front of the bed, as Jolene Irish, paints her toenails if only to fight an image she has cultivated from the age of four.
    She is walking into the room wearing pajamas that displayed Grover from sesame street on them. Uplifted hand showing the snail she plucked off the porch to her "momma" (said in a slow southern drawl). Then being told "no bad Jojo" (yes her mom really did address the little girl like a pet poodle) and Jolene defiant, with the crooked haircut her mom had given her. Pulled back and softball pitched the snail so hard it splattered on the kitchen wall.
   "Yeah, I got in trouble for that." then she was driven by another ghost, that of the whipping her "momma" had given her for "splattering the snail" on the wall, shifting her weight then laughing at the ludicrous way the past pursues the present. Then she willfully killed the intuitive direction the thought would have taken her. Instead of watching the little ghost with a smile, she felt guilty and laughed at the absurd taste in music he had.
   He had spent the morning planning a homemade music video for Laurie Anderson - oh superman. and spent the afternoon crying that the iPhone would not capture an image of him. "am I not real." then he started rocking back and forth singing, "and when justice is gone, there is always force."
   They watched television, random episodes of the X files.  by this point, Liam had forgotten his dreams of being a viral sensation. Instead, sitting in the arms of an amused Jolene. Hiding his head every time something happened, even if Molder's speech of "the truth is out there" rambling Made Jolene giggle. To Liam it was prophetic. he raised an index finger up to the side of his head and said: "the truth is out there." Wide-eyed believers, Jolene could see the light of the television through the hole in Liam's head at some angles. Maybe that is the metaphore? she thought, put a hole in your head and you can take the X files seriously.


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