death lesson 17
God - "So what is your story? Why are you so down on me. Don't come to me with that you know everything jive. One of us is unnecessary information, and the other one is being very understanding. Now, if you want we can turn this into an arm wrestling championship, but who do you think, is going to take the belt home?"
Drew Freak - "I have always wanted to be a writer but now that I am here the whole question for me is that of 'what does that make me to my fiction?' what about my diagnosis? Are my childish attempts at literature good if measured against the things stacked against me? The mental illness in me wants to scream 'well if you don't believe I have that paranoid schizophrenia then here is another acid trip of a digression' while another part of me thinks it is fun to lie and tell the truth at the same time. Create doubt in both so that you can go beyond the zero. Beyond the distinction between positive and negative, factual and untrue. Lewis Carrol and Jim Dodge. "
God - "So it is confidence, is it. You need to work on your confidence?"
Drew Freak - "no, and yes. I need to say what I am saying to have said it. I mean my last attempt at writing a long narrative was about a guy who fucked his mom till the universe ended. "
God - "When I started as a writer, the first thing I learned is you have to give an author purpose and context. Moses, Elijah, and My son. all have more of a gift for the gab then me. If you give them a voice, then let them use it. Mortals for all of there obsession with my supposed absence never observe, If I were around they would be redundant at best and charmingly wrong at worst."
Drew Freak - "You look a whole bunch like Alan Moore. Is Alan Moore god?"
His face lowered and said nothing, eyes shadowed by brow. His hair making almost a helmet around his face. Closed fist raised, he was possessed or insane. The smell of sulfur filled my lungs. Here I am again typing...alone in hell...Sisyphus, I pull it together, and when I am me, I blaspheme. I know the game changes, but it always ends in starting over because I am making it up as I go along.
Hell is doubt when faith is required.
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