Panzer Strider: or, We're all wayward bound By, Drew Freak. Thomas Roberts is being court marshaled. The man is in a cell and his Panzer Strider (a biomechanical clone that has been genetically modified to be used as a psychically controlled bipedal tank) is going to be broken down to be used as raw materials in a printer. Thomas stopped his unit from massacering a village on a small moon of Toi-715. They had their orders and he had a conscience. However when the Yama Yama man enters his life... Things get Phawking weird. The Yama Yama man is a near-omnipotent ambiguous force of nature and he looks like Koko the clown from the Max and Dave Fleischer cartoons. He gives Thomas Roberts a ten-can of spun sugar (looks and tastes like cotton candy and this stuff gives the user psychic powers [though it can trigger psychosis and addiction.]) Then the clown disappeared. thomas used his psychic powers to fight his way to his panzer strider and flew off to freedom. But, Thomas ...
Chapter one Drifting through the lake of stars. Out of the port hole of the celestial cruiser christened Giga-Death, we see a small starship large enough to hold a hundred persons drifting serenely through the lake of stars. Aziel Bartholomew lay in his bunk in his cell waiting for the trial that would lead to his execution. He knows that By the standard of the Scarlet Templars, he is guilty. He betrayed the royal family, and embarrassing the Royals is a cardinal mistake for anyone living around these parts. The Celestial Dynasty is an empire in the galaxy known as the lake of stars. This empire has over a hundred thousand planets within its space. Each one has a king. Each king has an army. This is an age of fragile peace. Every gambit of the political spectrum is expressed in how these planets are governed. Some near utopian democracies while others are prisons for breeding prisoners. The kingdom is diverse but power is the name of the game. Aziel killed tw...
1 Nirvana - in utero The band that changed my life. I thought I was Kurt Cobain for over a year hallucinating and psychotic. A band that is in my DNA that I am still trying move passed. from he symmetrical melodies droning post industrial riff and amateurish anti-hero solos. I made every kid in the 90s think I could do that and of course we couldn't... Kurt executed rock n roll for being the unobtainable dream that only madness and purest pursue nowadays as the rest of the rest of the world samples those old hits or plays in similarly sad cover bands. 2 Slipkot - All hope is gone. The maggots on the corpse of rock n' roll was Heavy Metal where all the worst tendency's of rock n roll are what you aspired to. Cliche extremes of horror film imagery and pornography's emotional complexity. A nightmare that swallowed the dreams of a generations looking for the party... though with understanding we approached it like Jason approached a victim in Friday the Thirteenth. and ...
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