Fascism as a symptom of poverty.

Money is a exponential modifier of the worst in humanity. We are normally self interested and we want the results that we want. Money allows and encourages that, while increasing probability of getting away with it when anything crosses a line.

Money = influence, they might as well be synonyms.

People sell there bodies for an hourly wage or through only fans and one feels empowered because they are taught they are a commodity and if your the product you might as well own it... this may be a thread.

It would appear that we are at a juncture with what money can do.

A rolling back to fat cats (and not the cute kind). Of labor camps, work without compensation all with the madness that it is founded on self determinism. But the self isn't you and me. We are statistics in the hands of people who would not mind charging intellectual rent for there TM and copyrights.

If they could take everything away from us with no exchange, they would And not only is it possible but likely that it could happen

What happened? ... a short version is anti intellectualism is popular. People wear there lack of understanding like Pokemon gym badge... that one day they could be the best there ever was...

And when you are proudly anti education and against books there is no argument that a rational person can offer that will change your mind.

Why? It's all they have the defense and justification... for a hatred that can not be justified.

We have all been groomed by a system that encourages us to consume... to enjoy things that hurt us. looking for the next fix in a unsustainable cycle.

People who are willfully ignorant, are dangerously so.

They resent education because they see the rational reasons why there life is bad as an affront to the choices they are actively making.

The culture war is a proxy war, for economic inequality and insecurity... like selling a soul to the devil, the cost is there humanity for funds... money IS the root of all evil. Fascism is a symptom of poverty.


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