Betwixt and between. (a short story)



The war had not been kind to Felix Frost. He had chosen the losing side. Now he wandered through the woods hungry and alone.


Trees branches hindered any progress. The darkness of the forest provoked him to fear. While doubt burdened his faith. A cross he wore around his neck felt like an anchor dragging him down. Yet Felix would not reject his fate.


Hunger has a way of telling you who you are. A way of isolating one's character to one extreme or the other.


This hunger made the former soldier like the walking dead. As if all the lives he had taken had followed him after every step. It wasn't guilt. Felix Felt as if he has done nothing but what was right. But the dead have their ways.


His conviction was a curse, and he wore his old grey coat knowing it was a death sentence. He survived from the water of streams. He drank deep long gulps but his spirit was broken. whether he knew it or not he was getting ready to die.


The smoke from the chimney was like a whale spouting water when it was breaching. Though continues like a serpent crawling into the sky. Felix felt the last of his pride clinging to it like a raft. Walking up the hill, he barely found his footing. The loose soil, was soft to his feet, making the odd stone hurt all the more.


The house was being swallowed by the trees, some just a few feet from the cabin. It was old and unnatural. With no windows, whatever waited was hidden till the appointed time.


He stood at the door and knocked. When there was no response he did it again. At last, after the third time, the door opened with a screech.


There was a skinny old man, in a green coat. His eyes were brown and when the light hit them at the right angle seemed to glow orange. He had a full head of hair, and mustache that were both neatly trimmed.


"Boy you look like you could use some help"


"It has been a long time since anyone has called me boy," said Felix.


"I mean no offense when your as old as I am anyone half your age is a child."


"My name is Felix, could you spare any of what you're cooking in there for some labor? I could chop you some firewood?" said Felix.


"No, I can get whatever I need from the forest floor."


Felix had been crying without knowing it. His eyes streamed wells of pain.


"I understand," said Felix.


"Give me that cross, and you can eat till your full."


"You have a deal," Said Felix.


With much of what was left of his energy he took off the necklace and gave it to the old man.


"Sit at the Table," said the old man.


As he dropped the necklace into the fire. Felix watched without judgment. He was too hungry for that.


The old man brought him some stew. Overwhelmed Felix felt light-headed and full from just smelling the stew. He stared at it a long time before lifting a wooden spoon full to his mouth.


"what do I call you?" Said Felix.


"Call me Old Scratch."


"Well, Old Scratch my name is Felix and I am in your debt."


"You look like you could use a new coat?" Said Old Scratch.


"I may very well, but I have no money and have been lost in the wilderness for longer than I can remember."


"I will make a deal with you. If I give you my coat. you will get everything you need. Just give me your soul?"


"As useless as it is. It is all I have Mr, scratch and it means a great deal more to me than any coat." Said Felix.


"How bout this? I will give you the coat and all you have to do is not bathe. Or, trim your nails. Or, brush your teeth. Or, cut your hair. Or, pray for seven years. and if you don't die in those seven years. Then you give me back my coat I will come for it the midnight the day after seven years and you keep all you have gained from it." said Old Scratch.


"Since I am already a vagrant who brings disgust and revulsion wherever I go. I Feel like you are at a disadvantage in this bargain," said Felix.


"Well I gambling with my gut," said Old Scratch.


"You have a Deal." Said Felix.


Taking off his grey coat and throwing it into the fire. He put on the green one he got from the old man. He reaches into the pocket and he feels a coin. When he pulls it out it is gold. He looks around and the cabin has no roof. The fire has long been dead and the wood of the walls has the smell of old rot.






He has wandered out of the woods and found that whenever he put a hand into the pocket of his coat out would come a gold coin. He did his best to be charitable but felt he had known that his bargain was with the devil. That maybe he could beat him by being generous with the money. However, he knew in his heart that if you are generous with the devil's money. He knew you were only selling him to others. Still, he paid off debts for strangers. gave handfuls of gold to the homeless. But after a year of wandering in and around town. They chased him off accusing him of being a witch.


He bore this cross. and was known around the delta as the old troll. Stinking and rotting. with claw-like nails. A beard that went down to his belly button and a belly round from overindulgence. Teeth are rotting and breaking. The pain was his only privilege and luxury.


Yet he with his broken spirit traveled for four years. Trying to find redemption through a pocket full of gold coins.


He gave the innkeeper a gold coin every night and even with this luxurious price he was told not to leave his room so his stink wouldn't spread.


One night he heard a painful wailing, from the other room. and in spite of his fragile existence in his cell. He knocked on his neighbor's door.


The main covered his nose tears still in his eyes and said, "God you smell bad!"


"But I am rich and generous. They call me the old troll but I do what I can to help."


"You can't help me I'm months behind on my rent and the white hoods came to me on behalf of the bastard that owns this place and said they were going to lynch me tomorrow if I don't pay in full." Said the crying man.


To this, The old troll reached into his green coat and pulled out a handful of gold. The man who now was reaching for a chair while his eyes and tears reflected the gold. Said only "for this kindness I will give you one of my three daughters."


"They can do better than an old troll." said the man in the green coat.


"I have never met another man who can reach in his pocket and pull out kindness from the well of his heart. My name is Master," His eyes and tears still reflected the gold.


The debts were paid they left together for Master's home.


When they got there, a young woman ran out whose name was Abigail and she was as sweet as cherry pie. She threw her arms around her father and hugged him dearly. Then looked at the stranger and said, "Mr you need a wash."


but the old troll only said "I took a vow and I must keep it. So I beseech you to forgive my stench and appearance."


She smiled and said "Just don't get too close" then laughed a laugh that was worth more than gold.


When Master explained to his daughters the promise he had made That he had promised the marriage of them to the old troll. His wife wailed and said he was selling his child to the devil. The eldest threatened to kill herself. While the middle child said she would rather burn in hell. IT was the youngest Abigail who said "you promised this man a wife and that is me."


When Master heard this his eyes welled with tears and she reflected in his eyes brighter than any gold. Her heart was as sweet as cherry pie.


The old troll when he was presented his bride said. "I am going to leave for three years. and when I return if you were faithful all that time. Then I will be your husband and you shall be my wife."


The old troll reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring that had latches like a lock. He flipped the switches, and it came apart.


"Your name is on this half and I will keep it. mine on this half and I shall give to you. When I return if we both still have our part of the circle then will there be a marriage." Said the old troll.


After giving her the ring, he left and went back to wandering the delta.






He bought a mansion and did what he could to help as many as he could, the three years went fast nor slow but in their own time.


by the time the three years had passed he owned a bank and a store. with enough gold hidden away for multiple lifetimes. He started back for his love's home weeks in advance and waited till the day after seven when he was to return the coat.


He shaved and scrubbed and used some of his old stash of gold to buy false teeth. He cut his hair and bought a new suit. But never let the green old coat out of his reach or sight till it was returned.


When he got to Master's home none of them could recognize him. Not even his Abigail. He said "I have a mansion a general store and own a bank. I have saved for this day for three long years. I have waited for you all this time." but still it wasn't till he pulled out his half of the ring with her name on it. that she believed and kissed him with a tenderness that was as sweet as cherry pie.


Her other sisters' hearts sank into the abyss until there was only oblivion. There was chance happiness and it wasn't there's, it was gone. They said nothing but cried while Master and his wife, and his youngest daughter (who was as sweet as cherry pie) felt a joy reflected in their eyes like gold from deep pockets.


The eldest had hung herself in the barn. While the middle girl went for a walk and drowned in the lake. No one noticed they were gone during the commotion of the wedding.


But on the night of the wedding at midnight, there was a knock that echoed unnaturally. Everyone was too afraid to answer it. again a second time there was a knock. And Felix started towards the door with the old green coat in his hand. However, he too was afraid to answer it. A third knock came on the door. Felix opened it with fear. there was an orange light reflecting with a flickering that slowly filled the room as he reluctantly answered the late-night call.


Out in the flames, stood the devil, with Master's eldest daughter to one side and his middle daughter on the other. they were nude and bound in chains. with scratches and blood were all over them.


"Now," said the devil, "I have two souls, not just yours."



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