
Showing posts from September, 2024

Eternal Eclipse: Book One of The Brutal Song of Aziel Bartholomew

   Chapter one Drifting through the lake of stars. Out of the port hole of the celestial cruiser christened Giga-Death, we see a small starship large enough to hold a hundred persons drifting serenely through the lake of stars. Aziel Bartholomew lay in his bunk in his cell waiting for the trial that would lead to his execution. He knows that By the standard of the Scarlet Templars, he is guilty. He betrayed the royal family, and embarrassing the Royals is a cardinal mistake for anyone living around these parts. The Celestial Dynasty is an empire in the galaxy known as the lake of stars. This empire has over a hundred thousand planets within its space. Each one has a king. Each king has an army. This is an age of fragile peace. Every gambit of the political spectrum is expressed in how these planets are governed. Some near utopian democracies while others are prisons for breeding prisoners. The kingdom is diverse but power is the name of the game. Aziel killed two of his

God willing (on to the future)

 "If i can live in your dream you can live in mine." - Bob Dylan.    I have had one of roughest years of my life.   Thought about deleting this blog and getting rid of my internet presence. I decided though I have said don't be ashamed of who you used to be for nearly fifteen years and I agree with that but am tired. Like you are most likely tired, this year has stunk. It's hard finding meaning in the contradictions of life. I don't want to share to much on personal stuff but I had all my teeth pulled six months ago. I have had no dentures or teeth FOR six months. it's has been rough. I lost like seventy pounds and have been eating mashed potatoes and oatmeal all year. I finally should get my dentures in the next week. So I can start learning to sing with them and talk and such. I have decided that I am not going to focus on confessional writing / deeply autobiographical writing because I think I have reached a point with where I can share things with friends