The stairway to heaven (highway to hell).
This piece of writing is a warm-up, trying to feel out the language I need to express my intuition. I hate myself as I see myself (a series of compulsions.) The algorithm that is me is also afraid to get the hope that it has anything to tell. Any stories in the twisted and scarred gnarly territory I call my mind. But since I was little, I have had this compulsion—this need to see shapes in time. To see the arc of a narrative when none is readily apparent. This compulsion is my frustration. This compulsion is an utter pleasure. I have had some broken teeth pulled, and not being in absolute pain every waking moment is a joy. I can't chew much and will need dentures in the next five to ten years. But this is the cost of being alive, or at least living badly and being lucky enough not to die. I have been thinking about my situation more as I have become increasingly reclusive in how I live. While I also stress more about wanting to be a published writer. ...