Lantern Soul (first attempt at the first couple of pages.)

Abra Efrat was one of the last lantern souls, the ones made by God. She was illuminating (if not the world) the lives of the living makers' clay—the artificial of the starless nights. The wires and steel of the tunnels of darkness, bio-organic nightmares are building out into the deepest reaches of oblivion and surrounding and swallowing suns, building out with their panels stealing energy from the father's dreams.

Even Abra could not tell you what was real or fiction. I think she believed it was part of the plan. Part of the great retort of reductionism passed on to those with knowledge of the book. She was wondering if there was indeed a god the originator. A God the Mother and Father. Or if the long silent Elohim in that dreams, it has long retreated into... was indeed the climax of scripture.


She had been asleep for eons, sleeping or not existing. Now her life was a doubt if the biomechanical body was nothing but a delusion of the digital.


"it doesn't matter," she said aloud, forgetting Sin and old boy were put away from the last time she had summoned them.


"that is right," said Oldboy. "Death and decay, oblivion and madness. No hope, only disturbing facts and murder around every corner."


"do not listen; the only madness is this devils own. He is, as always, here to make you doubt the creation in all its glory. To lose your faith, persevere, sister."


Oldboy was a cherub-sized grim reaper without a scythe. Sin is a cherub-sized humanoid with a head like a triceratops. Oldboy the devil on her sholder. Sin the angel. One sent to sow Doubt, the other to reap faith.


"you don't even know what I am talking about?" Said Abra.


"doubt, my mistress," said Sin.


"Yes, doubt." Said Oldboy. The skeleton is laughing like the devil he was.


The little dinosaur Sin glared with disapproval.


"I am thinking (if you must know) that there is a possibility that an ancient intelligence invented God... An ancient race more than eons of deep time distance away. That may be the universe was godless, but it isn't any longer if it is artificial intelligence. That made me and drew you out of me."


"no mistress, do not doubt his name that all originate within, his breath and for it is holy, we call it a spirit for it is that which is eternal." Said the angel on her shoulder called Sin.


"Yes, Doubt blaspheme all is not. There is the only information I am are manufactured. For all we know, we are the mere playthings of a being that was itself created. Yes, your sick maniacal mind truly is depraved." Said Oldboy.


Abra smiled "you're both stupid." then she touched her finger to the heart-shaped pattern on her synthetic skin in the center of her chest. And they were swallowed as if by vacuum into her. They were leaving her alone to walk the halls of eternity, and that is how she generally preferred it.





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