lantern soul 8

"pray not for death, for struggle does continue." Abra was squatting, looking at the lamb masked innocent.


"Why are you doing this," said the woman behind the latex mask.


"you speak?" said Abra.


"We all did, even the ones you killed." Said the woman behind the latex mask.


Abra reached out and pulled the lamb-like visage off the women's head. Her face was dirty with stains of sweat and cum; she looked to be thirty, chubby, and unaware from habit or training.


Pulling the knife from her boot, she stabbed and cut at the mask in her hand—long rips streaks of humanity for the lamb's muzzle. Then throwing it down between the women's legs.


Abra said, "put it on."


The woman put it on though was struggling to find with the cuts what was front or back. Abra is helping her after a moment, straighten it where the lamb looks forward but beneath is always terror of humanity.


Abra is feeling the woman, though she finds the lamb is hesitant to respond. Getting closer...are they going to kiss? No, this routine is familiar to Sin, which turns away crying.


"People like you are why I exist, not tainted purity. But the imperfection of joy. " Said Abra, "indulge the perversions of the flesh and die with them. Your tears can not stop my purity."


Sin cried with each scream and wet cutting sound (like steak being caught in a slamming door.) Why did the humans bring this out of her?


Oldboy flew over to sin singing a song without much of a toon,

"my dad wears dresses. To satan, he confesses all his twisted Sins.

My dad is a monster. He raped me with a lobster, all to fuck with Sin.

SIN, SIN, SInnnn. From daylight today's end, Sin will lose when the truth wins."


Sin, the little angel, was crying.



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