lantern soul 7

"This is our starless horizon." Said Abra, like some white-tailed doe. Innocent in her judgment wishing only to live, if not to be alive.


Sin floated, his wings carry him in lopsided flashes like he may not stay in the air. His head is resting on the Lazer rifle his neck was attached to. His lizard-like tail is drifting like a snake in the air, trailing like some serpent treading water behind it. The horns above his ancient eyes. While like some fragile glass, he looks out on the world.


Oldboy, with leather-like skin of batwings, protrudes from the side of his skull, keeping him aloft. The cannon comes from where his lower jaw should be. Red eyes like neon, no lasers shine like crazy diamonds. His robes were ancient and weathered. He and his angel companion are about the size of a nine-month-old baby, each a siamese. Yin and yang the war of balance the song of stillness and equilibrium.


In addition to that, the speakers chirping electric noize of voices to speak through, wired artificial voices. Like Stephen Hawking voicebox coming back as a ghost to haunt the black holes he often dreamed of. These voices of angel and devil were now often silent. Instead, they listened like the dog she had spoken too, as they hunted the Nephilim.


She followed him as if they alone had some understanding. Abra and the now soulless dog she walked her path with.


"look around, and there the black flesh of god, the midnight of tunnels that lead out to the ancient—his pink fluid of blood. These are starless times; there is no destination on our horizon. We have gone as far as we can and now go only forward to make and leave our mark for those foolish enough to follow where we go. So that they may see before they die that all was futile. Even in the abyss at the end of the world, there is only following the road, not discovering, learning the language of suffering from nothing new to name. So what is expressed is so specific to create the illusion that it may well be of something new when in actuality, it was there from the start and laid out before from our first breath onward." Abra said all of this in that same white-tailed doe-like way.


As if she waited for the hunter to find her and strick her down, at last, giving her peace.


And for all the hope this gave her, she walks towards the light seeing the clearing, But still does not transform—the overhead of the purple grass with the red-tinted light reflects in the white of her eyes. She considers the Nephilim, yet a gutting strut walks out into the clearing instead of flying at it in violence.


"You are not welcome contemptuous little thing begone." said the Nephilim.


His shark-like face and hyena-like neck (elongated with a blood-stained mane) swerved deep-ocean white of his naked gorilla-like body to an irregular rhythm.


Abra stood before him only as big as one of his hands and easily held by either of the two he had.


"I will say only this; kill me now," she said.


Oldboy and Sin flew forward, Sin trying to pull her away while Oldboy laid down suppressing fire.


Sin said, "oh mistress, not again, we are of a higher sort. You are mistaken to think this will do anything but hurt. Please, I beg you, retreat or kill."


The Nephilim screams and then roars, Sin unable to summon to his mistress the will to fight, shoots his laser. He is burning through the Nephilim's brain. Slowly it gives up the ghost and falls forward dead.


Abra looks at the humans in their sheep masks and clicks through the targets on her menu with her eyes... She will make Sin and Oldboy go out and slaughter them. The smell of burning flesh, the masks falling off in their last moments.


She says, watching the carnage, "maybe some of you will even be reincarnated as me."



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