God willing (on to the future)

 "If i can live in your dream you can live in mine." - Bob Dylan.


 I have had one of roughest years of my life.


Thought about deleting this blog and getting rid of my internet presence. I decided though I have said don't be ashamed of who you used to be for nearly fifteen years and I agree with that but am tired. Like you are most likely tired, this year has stunk. It's hard finding meaning in the contradictions of life.

I don't want to share to much on personal stuff but I had all my teeth pulled six months ago. I have had no dentures or teeth FOR six months. it's has been rough. I lost like seventy pounds and have been eating mashed potatoes and oatmeal all year.

I finally should get my dentures in the next week. So I can start learning to sing with them and talk and such. I have decided that I am not going to focus on confessional writing / deeply autobiographical writing because I think I have reached a point with where I can share things with friends and family without needing to vent in a near psychotic state on a blog kinda spewing my sickness redundantly on to anyone who reads it.

I AM going to however share poetry on here and fiction and if I need to say something I will. I am still making art released almost seventy songs in the last year and the response has been very positive so that make me happy.

I hope I can keep evolving and improving in all facets of my life. To pray more and practice guitar more and all that stuff.

Peace, love, and God bless.


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