Panzer strider News

 I am working on panzer strider again. experimenting with a much more complex activation mechanism for the combat. Will start writing on the rule book within the month. though no promises on when it will be finished.

I have ambitions to make it more of a table top mecha pilot simulator then a straightforward skirmish game. Think of front mission meets Gundam wing as far as the vibe. where each person controls one mecha and it maxes out at four players. it makes sense to allow players to control more then one mech in some circumstances but like battletech the system I am experimenting with snowballs in complexity exponentially.

I am playing with a more real robot vibe then the psychedelic phantasy star influenced early build that is up on the blog.

I was originally planning on sharing some of the mechanisms... I did that way to early last time. I have been thinking about the game a lot over the last few years. experimenting and developing concepts. though most are still very rough.


The next post on this blog will likely be a rules update pushing panzer strider into a playable state. 

peace and love. 

I hope to have something to share soon.


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