Will... you find me... in the dark...






 “Not only is the Universe stranger than we think,

 it is stranger than we can think.”- Werner Heisenberg.



Expending my soul

in the pursuit...

"if music was here before us

              who was it here for?""

ascending toward the word.

 comprehension ever so elusive. 

yet the need to fulfill a compulsion

 human souls reduced to submission and dominance

all messed up....

       maybe I am not in love.

I know that schizophrenia is not romantic.

That madness reductive with unnecessary associations

        and a desire with no real meaning because it isn't reciprocated. 

        Yet whispers mean more

                 a tremble 

                       a pause

                            neither of know the answer


The Beatles "I want to hold your hand." 

        While I am waiting around to die 

                 it doesn't seem to ever go as planned

                       nor does curiosity say goodbye


              Will... you find me.... in the dark....




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