Pop-Surrealism: Alejandro Jodorowsky and David Lynch.

                                            “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.”
                                                                   - Alejandro Jodorowsky

Alejandro Jodorowsky was not a early influence of mine but is a major one. El-topo is my favorite film of all time. It has the ambiance of a three stooges skit with Salvador Dali or Max Ernst imagery. the dichotomy of slapstick/vaudeville dramatic vocabulary and the philosophical ravings an atheist mystic make for a truly unsettling contrast.  The violence and confrontational nature of his imagery drive the sexuality of his films past sadism and into the comfortable absurd of someone fighting their demons for no other reason then it makes for fine entertainment. His work with Mobeus is among my favorite in all of comic books and I can nor recommend the encal enough. His recent work seems to be based more off of his ideas of what he call psycho-magic and unique and endearing interpretation of shamanism as therapy that has lead some to call the man a conman or a lunatic. In this humble lazy bloggers opinion all of his work is engaging except for the film he made before sante sangre and the film after sante sangre. disruptive confrontational thought can be helpful and is the and end into iself even if it sometimes feel that way. the depth of his work is staggering and offers friendly wisdom inside of a indifferent world, for all who want to come and give him a listen.

                       “The hole is so deep and so bad; the Doughnut is a beautiful thing.”
                                                                                                                   ~ David Lynch
David lynch is the god father post-modern Americana that we love to call American surrealism. He is a childhood hero of mine having been fascinated by the idea of his work since I had heard of twin peaks. I saw eraser-head when I was thirteen and it made a everlasting effect on my subconscious that my brain is still reeling and recoiling from to this very moment. For me David Lynch is the John the baptist of surrealism, but now following that chain of thought. What does that make Alejandro Jodorowsky? If Jodorowsky's work makes you feel crucified while your watching it. Then David Lynch's movies are the baptism that if you show up for it, then a new world opens up to you. A strange world of living inside of the chaos. provoking the rational part of your brain that is hunkered down waiting for the world to operate on logical terms that it can understand. now becomes a advocate of spiritual anarchy and lord does the water taste good. you can deny the madness of the madness but it is a symptom of the madness to pretend it ain't their. as always I have rambled but you should if you have an interest in psychedelics or keep a dream journal, check out ether one of these film makers. because what goes on underneath is just as vital as what goes on throughout the surface level of our existence: and that and five dollars get's you a cup of coffee.


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