Does my opinion even matter? or, why am I not as brave as these children.

❝Angharad called them anti-seeds: plant one and watch something die"
The Dag, Mad Max Fury Road

I will warn you this will be a short piece written by a paranoid-schizophrenic who wants to be a normal member of society. I have mental illness. I can not rely on reality. I should not be allowed to own a gun. This is my opinion I am sharing. And we can agree on shit or we can't, but women Have mental illness too and yet all these mass shooting are by psychotic angry men. Who have access to unnecessarily dangerous things that should be reserved for battlefields, and then only when necessary and sparingly. I am not violent and I am medicated. I see my therapist ounce a week and I tell her anytime I feel strange and ask if I should be committed and more often then not I am told "no, drew." but still I feel anxious and am terrified not of what I will do but of what others will do for the sake of clinging too their weapons. More money should be invested in mental healthcare. I have racist insane family members (specifically a crazy uncle) who says scary things on facebook. I am done with facebook. these children deserve too feel safe when they are at school more then people like my uncle need to have a toy that specializes in the taking of life. Weapons should not be as common as a strangers on a subway. And when the Russian puppet of a president that we have running this country told those children that arming adult's that are as flawed as every other adult (which is to say very.) in a country where you can't trust a teacher to not have sex with your child, yet some strange part of society thinks that arming these people is the answer? that it was "the solution too your problem" I like Emma call b.s.

    I have a hard fast rule in my life. If you can abuse power then you have to much. and if someone has a tool that is only offering the power to take life, then they obviously have too much. because if the only thing they offer in defense of their weapons is that they. Like my crazy uncle, believe that they should be able to have more power, to be able to abuse power and that we should trust them. Then why like Emma should we not call b.s. when they foaming at the mouth, whisper in a frenzied voice "It's my right." All I can say is fuck your rights. Now why am I rambling? because these children have rights too. and their right too not be fucking murdered surpasses your need to cling to a weapon that is leveled at a society that want's it's children to succeed at more then trying to literally survive a day in school. it is sad and insane when people cling to weapons. with an argument of I will protect you, when what these children are afraid of, is who will protect them from you. and I hope these children can change things because it gives me faith in hope.

   All I really have to say is these kids deserve better then my generation we sat on the bench in the last election because we didn't get Bernie. But you know what I am never going to not vote again and it is mainly because these children. and all I can do is apologize for not being a better person. Because if these kids have proven anything it is that our moral standards has to rise to meet theirs, not the other way around.


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