
Showing posts from February, 2018

Does my opinion even matter? or, why am I not as brave as these children.

❝Angharad called them anti-seeds: plant one and watch something die" The Dag, Mad Max Fury Road I will warn you this will be a short piece written by a paranoid-schizophrenic who wants to be a normal member of society. I have mental illness. I can not rely on reality. I should not be allowed to own a gun. This is my opinion I am sharing. And we can agree on shit or we can't, but women Have mental illness too and yet all these mass shooting are by psychotic angry men. Who have access to unnecessarily dangerous things that should be reserved for battlefields, and then only when necessary and sparingly. I am not violent and I am medicated. I see my therapist ounce a week and I tell her anytime I feel strange and ask if I should be committed and more often then not I am told "no, drew." but still I feel anxious and am terrified not of what I will do but of what others will do for the sake of clinging too their weapons. More money should be invested in mental h...