the gospel seen through gnosis; the knowledge of spiritual mysteries.

 Through breath voice and word god gave birth to the first souls and it was his own. Without origin and exclusive from space and time he willed into existence all things that are know and unknown. and in this way he would create iniquity and law /v\/ his word is life and his name is salvation his name is he is. and he is who he is and he is what he is, forever demanding awe. from dust he made humanity as one soul adom from whose rib eve was made. and it is to him that eve completes. as through one soul sin entered into the world. one soul in Christ will take it away./v\/ sin is a act against god sins origin is gnosis or spiritual understanding which came into the world through defiance of god by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of everything which is also called good and evil. from each prophet came gnosis and through it condemnation when there is understanding there is self righteousness and this is adultery against out lord for the works of men are as there soul nothing but dust for a soul is nothing but what i say i am. and god said adom until you return to the ground since from it you were taken  for dust you are and to dust you will return" but through his spirit out iniquity worked law, and through the law the prophets gain righteousness so that we may comprehend the law through the conviction of our heart in our heart of our defiance of god for we were a temptation to the sons of god who made wives of our women (as they were fathering the nephilem) and left the human soul duelist and separated where i am you demiurge and you are my own. we are in iniquity by knowing of the law and in through it we try to give ourselves value. which is to say money or mammon the god of this world in trying to be complete without god we serve the world and through our adultery we give birth to sin but through god we become whole through our divine spark (for we are made in his image) with the gift of the spirit through which we may comprehend sin for sin is a act against god but through the spirit there is gnosis without damnation as part of the godhead we serve the king of kings  we are a vessel for the holy spirit. we can then understand that god is love and love is obtain a firmer grasp of the obvious. in loving god we learn there is no torment in love and in this way we make peace with our divine spark.

                                                 the virgin conception of Yeshua
in the town of Bethlehem in Judea. to a virgin mother was born Yeshua, which is to say savoir. his mother was the betrothed virgin whose name was miryam.which is to say beloved. when she was found to be pregnant through the holy spirit  Joseph to whom she was betrothed intended to divorce her quietly but an angel told him in his dream he should take miryem as his wife and name the child Yeshua for he would save his people from there sins. he awoke and did all that the angel had commanded. when the birth drew near the emperor commanded a census of the world so Joseph took miryam to the city of David as he was of the house of David so it came to pass that Yeshua was born in Bethlehem. and as there was no room in the town the infant was laid in a manger and their was shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night an angel of the lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shone upon them and they were terrified but the angel said to them "do not be afraid i bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. today in the town of David a savoir has been born to you he is Christ the lord, this will be a sign to you you will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger." suddenly a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel praising god and saying "glory to god on highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." when the angels had left them and gone to heaven the shepherds said to one another let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened /v\/ Yeshua grew and became strong and was filled with wisdom and the grace of god was on him. Yeshua grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man /v\/ Yeshua is the image of the invisible god  the first born of all creatures for by him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invincible so that what we lost in the first man we may recover in the Christ. /v\/ as in adom all die so in Christ all will be made alive. /v\/ john the baptist was not the light but came as a witness to bear witness to the light. so that through him every one might believe. /v\/ when all the people were being baptized yeshua was baptized too and as he as praying heaven was opened and the holy spirit descended in bodily form like a dove and a voice came from heaven "you are my son whom i love. with you i am well pleased" now Yeshua was about thirty years old when he begin his ministry

                                                 the ministry of Yeshua
Yeshua was lead into the dessert by the holy spirit and fasted for forty days and nights. at this time he overcame the devil who was tempting him when the devil was overcome he receded until the opritune time. as the angels ministered to Yeshua. /v\/ during the time of Yeshua ministry his disciples did many signs and wanders healing the sick and casting out demons these things are collected in the four Gospels of the new testament what will follow is a collection of Yeshua's teachings. /v\/ Yeshua said "if you say the kingdom is in heaven the birds will precede you. if you say it is in the sea the fish will precede you. rather the kingdom of heaven is inside and outside of you." /v\/ Yeshua said "when you know yourselves then you will be known and you will understand you are the children of the living father, but if you do not know your selfves, then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty /v\/ Yeshua said "look i have thrown fir on the world and look i am watching it until it blazes." /v\/ Yeshua said "the dead are not alive and the living will not die during the day you eat what is dead you made it alive when you are in the light what will you do?" /v\/ Yeshua said" when you see one not born of women fall on your faces and worship that is your father. /v\/ Yeshua said "if a blind person lead a blind person both of them will fall into a hole." /v\/ Yeshua said " who has something in hand will be given more. and who has nothing will be deprived of what little they have." /v\/ Yeshua said "whoever knows the father and the mother will be called the child of a whore." /v\/ Yeshua said "who do not hate father and mother as i do. can not be a disciple of me. and whoever does not love father and mother can not be a disciple of me. for my mother gave me falsehood but my true mother gave me life. " /v\/ Yeshua said "the messengers and prophets  will give you what is yours , you in turn give them what you have and say yo yourselves when will they come and take what is theirs?" /v\/ these were the teachings of Yeshua

                                                  the death of Yeshua.
 Yeshua arrested in Gethsemane following the last supper with the twelve apostles and at this super he predicted his betrayal by Judas and the denial by peter. Yeshua takes bread, breaks it, and gives it to the disciples, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you". He then has them all drink from a cup, saying, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood" Yeshua predicts that Peter will deny knowledge of him three times before the rooster crows the next morning. /v\/ when the devil entered into Judas, Judas said "let me also come in with these people?" for he was speaking of salvation. but Yeshua said "your star has deceived you Judas" and i believe he is speaking to all souls over come by a bright and morning star /v\/ Yeshua stood trial before being handed over to the chief priest of the Jews after being flogged Yeshua was mocked by roman solders as the king of the Jews" clothed with a purple robe and crowned with thorns beaten and spat on Yeshua had to bear his cross and make his way to the place of the crucifixion. he was then crucified and hung between two convicted thieves he suffered the pains of the crucifixion from 9 am to 3 pm the solder fastened a sign above his head saying "Yeshua of Nazareth king of the Jews." they divided his garments and cast lots for his seamless robe they did not break his legs as they had the other two men they had crucified. since he was stabbed by a solder spear he was already dead. the saints rose from the dead and wandered around following the earthquake that came after his final moments his final words were "father why have you forsaken me." and the hole world was dark for three ours after he gave up the ghost.

                                                    Resurrection and Ascension
he rose from the dead on the third day and lingered with the apostles for forty days. Yeshua did many other things as well for if every one were written down  i suppose that even the whole world whould not have room for all the books that would be written /v\/ Yeshua said "there is no such thing as sin yet you yourselves are what produces sin when you act in accordance with the nature of adultery  which is called sin for this reason the good came among you pursuing the good that belong to every nature it will set it within its root " then he continues "this is why you get sick and die because you love what deceives you any one who thinks should consider these matter." /v\/ the universe is a unfinished creation in constant need of renewal-from god for the world is created every day and man is reborn every morning. and through this renewal god reprimands the universe for he holds it together hoping that men will repent of there adultery for Yeshua is the root and offspring of David. the bright and morning star. /v\/ there will be a new heaven and a new earth and within the city of new Jerusalem god will dwell among men and he will be there king  the law breads wisdom from understanding through the fear of god. where the gospel is grace and understood to mean life the law condemning all though understanding the gospel gives grace through the baptism of spirit and the gift of eternal life. /v\/ lock yourself in a room and the room will teach you everything but the one who made what is within also made what is outside so be as sleigh as snakes and as gentle as doves


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