Mom what is a beta male?

So here we are again internet and today our subject is on broad generalizations from a fuck boy who honestly doesn't give a shit about what a bunch of entitled fucks like you think and I will warn you this is a NC-17 if your not interested in that kind of thing then I guess you are really not going to want to read this. In the beginning I was fucking an overweight young woman that was part Japanese. Long story short after she had a orgasm she said "my thighs need a break" so then I started getting head, this was not a bad day for me. But after awhile she still couldn't get me off so she said "I have to go." I pushed her head down again and we went for awhile more then she smiled and said "No really I need to go, I told my parents I would cook dinner tonight." I said "O.K." and proceeded to finish the job myself (with my hand!). Now here comes the point if you are going to vote for Donald Trump and you even think that I am being offensive then FUCK YOU! This is my space, I gave you fair warning this was for adults and at the same time haven't even begun to get to down to the the real reason I am frustrated as a liberal. I was raised in a "god fearing" home and home schooled by two people who struggled themselves with basic algebra and left me to teach my brothers how to read several grades after they were supposed to, well I was never given the talk by my father or my mother for that point. I just kinda had to figure things out. I drew violent pornographic drawings based off the porn I watched from a relative who was trying to make me not so guilt driven as the rest of my family thought appropriate. I was trying to explore what I felt towards women all the while thriving in the guilt leading to me sitting on the ground with a boy scout knife trying to talk myself into killing myself because I had my first wet dream and did not know what it was at this time and couldn't get past the shame of admitting it. All I knew was that my family kept making comments about how I smelled like "urine" and then no "onions." It is like a bad joke now but for the god fearing little weirdo I was it was a rather big deal. All the while I was told things like "marriage is between a man and a women!" or when i finally figured out what was going on "sex is sacred and is to be saved for marriage."  And now I learn that the people who sell the comical interpretation of my faith through fox news and the 700 club that is pro-saving it for marriage and doesn't believe in sex education or really don't give a fuck about any the things they have fought for and brainwashed a generation of borderline catholic guilt driven mother-fuckers in the bible belt that just want to hump some girls face till they have a orgasm, to believe. That evidently now they are the hip party of pussy grabbing hipsters. Now back to my first anecdote. When the part Japanese young women left like I said I finished the job myself (with my hand!). I did not force myself on her I excepted that she got what she wanted like a boss and that sometimes that is how shit goes down. Donald Trump is not condoning sexual assault he is bragging about it. Bragging about taking what he want's because he can get away with it. This bothers me for two reasons 1 I am not pro-rape and 2 the whole of the culture I rebelled against is a shallow lie. They (republicans!) have no values to rebel against. They are trickle down economics reduced to the point of guiding the herd over the cliff while choosing mates from there livestock to have the Donald continue there legacy. I am a socialist so if your a republican obviously we are not going to agree on policy. But if you ever talk down to me about my morality then I will walk away flipping the bird cause honestly I don't give a goddamn what you think.


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